ECHE is a transnational research center and a platform dedicated to research and cooperation on higher education issues and faciliates cooperation among European and Chinese universities.
ECHE coordinates projects among Chinese and European university partners on key issues of collaboration such as doctoral education and training, university governance and academic leadership development, and educational innovations and teaching & learning technologies.
ECHE leads the EU suppported LEAD and LEAD2 project on University Governance and Academic Leadership
ECHE leads the LEAD project from 2015-2018 and the LEAD2 project from 2019-2023 supported by the EU under the Erasmus+ program.
LEAD2 project:
LEAD project:
ECHE coordinates the e-Teach project
The e-Teach project is an EU-supported Erasmus+ project with a partnership of 6 educational institutions from six countries. The e-Teach project aims to transform pedagogical methods and techniques to digital pedagogic methods and techniques. The project develops Digital Pedagogy and provides training for teachers and prospective teachers on how to use digital pedagogy in digital learning and innovative teaching.
E-Teach project:
The mission of ECHE is to conduct research in the area of higher education, to facilitate research collaboration among European and Chinese higher education institutions, and to promote mutual understanding about the educational systems, governance, innovations, practices, and cultural issues related to school education and higher education.
The ECHE Research Center aims to
- strengthen research cooperation among European and Chinese higher education institutions and organisations;
- study development trends of higher education in the digital era and in the context of transformation;
- facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience in higher education among European and Chinese higher education institutions;
- develop collaborative research projects with European and Chinese partners;
- engage international researchers in the area of higher education research.
Research areas
- Transformation, change and innovations in higher education
- European and Chinese higher education systems and development trends
- Comparative studies and cross-cultural issues in higher education
- Case studies of EU-China collaboration in research and education
- University governance and academic leadership development
- Internationalisation and virtual internationalization
- MOOC and blended learning & training
- Educational innovations and educational leadership
LEAD Academic Network
The LEAD Academic Network is an international and interdisciplinary platform of collaboration among academics and academic leaders for discussing and sharing theory, practice and research on academic leadership and university governance. The Network aims to support the advancement of academic leadership through research-based knowledge and networked learning, and to create a community with shared interests of producing and disseminating academic leadership knowledge and experiences, and linking research to academic leadership practices.
The LEAD Academic Network is established in November 2022, building on the results of two EU-funded projects, the LEAD and LEAD2 projects.
The mission of the LEAD Academic Network is to become a major networked community and a center of excellence in academic leadership research and a source of innovative best practices.
The specific aims of the LEAD Academic Network include:
- Facilitating exchanges, dialogue and cooperation among academics and academic leaders.
- Promoting research on academic leadership and university governance, sharing results and providing research-based recommendations for academic leadership development.
- Promoting and creating awareness of the importance of leadership development at various stages of the academics’ career.
- Facilitating and providing professional development training on the newest concepts and practices in academic leadership and university governance.
- Playing a leading role in various forms of innovative networked academic leadership and “university network” governance; developing training material, including MOOCs, blended training and networked learning.
More information:
How to join?
- Fill in the Registration Form
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