EUA is partnering with HUMANE (Europe’s international network for higher education professionals) to explore in the annual conference 2023 how academic leaders and senior managers of professional services can lead their institutions to address the manifold global societal challenges. The programme will also feature the latest findings from the NEWLEAD project on leadership and transformation.
The Conference is entitled “Leading together: academic leaders and professional service leaders addressing global societal challenges” and will take place in Barcelona from June 14 to 16, 2023.
The conference will look at external and internal challenges, and the drivers to leverage change towards new leadership and organisational models. This will be illustrated by cases of institutional journeys and the changes that some universities have made, including through the European University Alliances.
The conference will further explore how universities can build extensive leadership capacity and capability to drive change and deliver new strategic agendas, to create sustainable societal impact. We will reflect how to best address the current and future challenges, how new governance models that reconcile traditional academic leadership strengths with those that foster new engagement with key stakeholders can support this endeavour. Diversity and inclusion, including bringing more women into leadership, effective collaboration and greater attention to organisational culture and climate will also be discussed.
Registration is possible here until May 31st, 2023.