On 16 January 2024, a delegation from the Institute of Vocational Education of Tongji University visited the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). During this visit, the Tongji University delegation had in-depth exchanges with members of the EU-China Higher Education Research Center (ECHE) and the Research Group of Localities, Ontologies, Commons, Integrated (LOCI) at VUB. The delegation from Tongji University consisted of three experts and scholars, Prof. dr. Yijun WANG, Prof. dr. Jin ZHAO, and Leijing CHEN. Under the hosting of Prof. Chang ZHU, Director of the ECHE Centre, Prof. Wolfgang JACQUET and other VUB members had an in-depth discussion with the delegation from Tongji University on relevant topics on research and staff & student academic exchange activities, and looked forward to the future cooperation opportunities, especially stressing the role of the ECHE as a bridge to promote the cooperation between the two sides.
2024年1月16日,同济大学职业技术教育学院的代表团访问了布鲁塞尔自由大学。此次访问中,同济大学代表团与布鲁塞尔自由大学的中欧高等教育研究中心(ECHE)的成员进行了深入交流。同济大学的代表团成员包括王奕俊教授、赵晋副教授、和陈蕾静三位专家学者,在ECHE中心主任朱畅教授的主持下,Wolfgang JACQUET教授及VUB代表与同济大学代表团就相关议题进行了深入探讨,共同展望了未来的合作机会,高度评价了ECHE在促进双方合作中所扮演的桥梁角色。