On February 5th, the University of Zagreb became a nexus for international dialogue on higher education, hosting a distinguished roundtable event organized by the LEAD Academic Network. This gathering saw the convergence of six delegations from prominent Chinese and European institutions, marking a significant step towards enhancing global academic cooperation.
The event was graced by key figures from the University of Zagreb, including Prof. Dr. Jurica Pavičić, Vice-Rector for International and Inter-institutional Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Melita Kovačević, former Vice-Rector for Research, and distinguished representatives from the Faculty of Economics and Business—Prof. Dr. Zoran Krupka, Vice-Dean for Quality and Internationalisation, and Prof. Dr. Kosjenka Dumančić, Vice-Dean for Strategic Partnerships and Projects. The Croatian and Chinese directors of the Confucius Institute at the University of Zagreb, Krešimir Jurak and Haiyan Yang, respectively, were also pivotal in the roundtable's proceedings.
The roundtable was orchestrated by Krešimir Jurak, focusing on the pivotal theme of internationalization strategies within higher education. The discussions aimed at fostering deeper international cooperation between European and Chinese universities. Prof. Dr. Jurica Pavičić set the tone with a warm welcome and an expression of eagerness for collaborative endeavors between the University of Zagreb and its Chinese counterparts.
Prof. Dr. Chang Zhu, Director of the LEAD Academic Network and the China-EU Higher Education Research Center, provided an insightful overview of the network's objectives and its crucial role in promoting dialogue and cooperation between European and Chinese academics, especially in governance and leadership development within higher education.
Highlighting tangible outcomes of international cooperation, Prof. Dr. Zoran Krupka shared the University of Zagreb's successful partnership experiences with Shanghai Jiaotong University, emphasizing the importance of incremental steps towards lasting collaboration. Prof. Dr. Kosjenka Dumančić discussed potential opportunities under EU funding schemes that could benefit both Chinese and European universities.
The roundtable also featured presentations from representatives of the National Academy of Education Administration, Renmin University, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chongqing Normal University. They explored interests in areas such as digital academic leadership and summer school programs, showcasing a mutual desire for enhanced international collaboration.
The event culminated with Prof. Dr. Melita Kovačević's reflective speech, underscoring the imperative of maintaining dialogue and cooperation amidst geopolitical uncertainties, thus reinforcing the spirit of academic unity across borders.
This roundtable at the University of Zagreb not only underscored the importance of international cooperation in higher education but also set the stage for future collaborative initiatives between European and Chinese universities, promising a brighter, interconnected academic future.
本次活动邀请到了萨格勒布大学的主要相关领导者,包括负责国际与机构合作的副校长 Jurica Pavičić教授,负责研究的前副校长Melita Kovačević教授,来自经济与商业学院负责质量与国际化的副院长Zoran Krupka教授和负责战略合作与项目的副院长Kosjenka Dumančić教授。萨格勒布大学孔子学院的克罗地亚院长Krešimir Jurak和中方院长杨海燕也在此次会议中发挥了重要的作用。
在Krešimir Jurak院长的主持下,此次圆桌会议主要探讨了高等教育机构的国际化战略,以及如何促进欧洲大学和中国大学之间进行更深入的国际合作。Jurica Pavičić副校长热烈地欢迎词了在场的来宾,并表达了克罗地亚大学与中国大学合作的强烈愿望。
随后, Zoran Krupka副院长分享了克罗地亚经管学院与上海交通大学合作的成功经验,强调了循序渐进的工作方法对实现可持续和更深层次的双方合作的重要性。Kosjenka Dumančić副院长介绍了在欧盟资助项目框架中,中欧大学可能合作的领域、机遇及挑战。
会议以Melita Kovačević教授的演讲作为结束,她强调了尽管地缘政治的不确定性为双方的合作带来了挑战,但学术界应保持对话并继续合作精神。